1.5 Censorship Studies
5K Confinement
Censorship is not only obsession with anonymity, i.e. the less disturbing consumption of content, but also risk management strategy for any language’s popularisation ⎯ being this either cinematic, visual, spatial or printed.

Censorship’s main achievement is surely the creation of an alternative database of forbidden images, impolite political messages, despicable aesthetical exuberance and controversial social commentaries. Nevertheless, it does not just involve the practice of cinema ⎯ the romantic battle between voyeur filmmakers and national film gilds for the release of a few more frames of female skins, but all the spheres currently conveyable via images and videos.

Censorship Design will consequently entail the concept of confinement as a new form of action, while admonishment will be studied as a machinery aimed at the production of a blockage prose.
This month-long collective effort will seek for new parameters and an update of communicational and visual restrictions, besides committing itself to frame censorship as a renewed project actively concerned with the future of images. Understood as the exertion of the contemporary visual trends generated by the process of suppression and reduction of any complication regarding the social structures’ status quo and of the distribution of media contents.
Through a chat-bot, contents are imported in realtime by a custom AI censoring algorithm, displaying itself in an infinte loop of hyper-medial elements. Visitors will experience the flow changes in realtime, exploring contents and features of this new media.

The platform is designed, developed and managed by display.xxx

A project by:
Luigi Alberto Cippini
Giovanni Fantoni Modena

Disciplinary Spectrum Directors:
John Palmesino
Ann-Sofi Rönnskog
Trevor Paglen
Cpt. (Retired) Mauricio Gris
Vittorio Gallese
Christian Marazzi

With the partecipation of:
Beatriz Colomina, Keller Easterling, Franco Farinelli, Stefano Francia di Celle, Adam Harvey, Stephanos Ioannou, Sylvère Lotringer, Sarat Maharaj, Stacy Martin, Mark Wigley

Architectural Project:
Luigi Alberto Cippini

Consultancy - Construction Management:
Silvia Bortolini
Romeo Scarpa
Carlo Capovilla

Construction - Systems:
Zero4Uno Ingegneria Srl
Tramonte Electro-Engineering
Gemini Luci Srl
Atlantis Film & Video Srl

Transport - Logistics:
A. Rubelli Arte

Fabrics - Textiles - Materials:
Tappezzeria Nalesso Srl
FIDIVI Tessitura Vergnano Spa
Docks & Dockers
Tramonte Electronics

Nava Milano Spa

Textile and Fabric Consultant:
Valentina Poletti

Director of Photography
Theatre Lighting Designer:
Amilcare Giuseppe Canali

Technology R&D;:
Matte Chi

Graphic Design:
Federico Scudeler

Web Design - Digital Platforms:

Hi! Production
Executive Producers:
Max Brun & Lola Toscani
Anna Barberini & Vittoria Dami
Local Producer:
Maria Elena Fantoni

Research Editor - Press Office:
Marzia Marzorati

Visual Environment Assistant:
Pietro Caracciolo

Financial and Legal Support:
Studio Mazzoletti
Advisor: Pietro Mazzoletti

Jacopo Farina

Thanks to:
Enrica Fico Antonioni
Elvis Mitchell

Technical Partners:

For any press enquiry please email to [email protected]

To download:
Belligerent Eyes press kit - italian
Belligerent Eyes press kit - english